
Stay Sun-Safe in Ireland’s Summer: Your Guide to Effective Sunscreen Protection

27 Jun 2023 | Read time: 05 mins


As summer arrives in Ireland, it’s time to soak up the sunshine and enjoy the great outdoors. However, with Ireland’s unpredictable weather patterns, it’s easy to underestimate the power of the sun’s rays. Sunburn and skin damage can occur even on overcast days. That’s why it’s crucial to protect your skin by incorporating sun cream into your daily routine. In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of sun protection and provide essential tips for choosing and applying sun cream effectively in the Irish summer.




Understanding the Irish Sun

Contrary to popular belief, sunburn isn’t solely reserved for tropical destinations. Ireland experiences its fair share of strong UV rays, particularly during the summer months. Although the sun may not always feel intense due to cloud cover, harmful UVA and UVB rays can still penetrate your skin, leading to sunburn, premature aging, and an increased risk of skin cancer.

Choosing the Right Sunscreen



1. Sun Protection Factor (SPF):

Opt for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30. SPF determines the product’s ability to protect against UVB rays. Remember, a higher SPF doesn’t mean you can stay out in the sun for longer; it simply provides increased protection.


2. Broad-Spectrum:

Ensure your sunscreen offers broad-spectrum protection, shielding your skin from both UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays can cause long-term skin damage and contribute to premature aging.


3. Water-Resistant:

Look for water-resistant or water-repellent sunscreens, especially if you plan on swimming or participating in outdoor activities where you may sweat.


4. Physical or Chemical:

Sunscreens are typically categorized as physical or chemical. Physical sunscreens contain minerals like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, forming a protective barrier on your skin. Chemical sunscreens work by absorbing UV rays. Both types are effective, but individuals with sensitive skin may find physical sunscreens less irritating.


Irish summer

Tips for Applying Sunscreen Effectively

1. Apply Generously:

Don’t skimp on the sunscreen. Apply a sufficient amount to all exposed areas of your body. For adults, a general guideline is to use approximately one ounce (30 milliliters) to cover the entire body.

2. Reapply Regularly:

Sunscreen effectiveness diminishes over time, especially if you sweat or come into contact with water. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or more frequently if you’re swimming or perspiring heavily.

3. Don’t Forget the Often Missed Areas:

When applying sunscreen, it’s easy to overlook certain areas. Pay attention to commonly missed spots like the ears, back of the neck, tops of the feet, and the scalp if your hair is thin or you’re bald.

4. Seek Shade During Peak Hours:

The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Whenever possible, seek shade during these hours to minimize sun exposure and reduce the need for excessive sunscreen application.



Additional Sun Protection


While sunscreen is a vital part of sun protection, there are other measures you can take to safeguard your skin:


1. Wear Protective Clothing:

Cover up with lightweight, breathable clothing that provides sun protection. Opt for wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses with UV protection, and clothing with UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) for added defense.


2. Stay Hydrated:

Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated, especially during hot summer days. Proper hydration can help maintain the health of your skin.


3. Stay Informed:

Keep an eye on weather forecasts and UV index reports for your area. The UV index indicates the intensity of the sun’s rays and can help you plan your outdoor activities accordingly.


Irish summer
At Tully’s Totalhealth Pharmacy, we care about your skin health and offer a wide range of sun care products. Whether you’re looking for high-SPF sunscreens, broad-spectrum protection, or sensitive skin options, our knowledgeable staff can guide you through our comprehensive range. Don’t let sunburn spoil your summer fun; stay informed, stay protected, and make the most of the sunny days in Ireland!

