Wonderful Animals Sloth Soap

Wonderful Animals Sloth Soap


Hang Out with Freshness

Meet the Wonderful Sloth Soap Freshness

Dive into the world of our Wonderful Animals Sloth soap. Sloth, our charming mascot, can’t wait to meet you. He’s always up for some relaxation. The moment there’s an opportunity to hang with pals, watch him spring into action!

Gift a Hangout Partner

We all have that one buddy we love unwinding with. Why keep it a secret? Let this soap be your messenger.

Quirky & Original Packaging

Every glance at our uniquely illustrated packaging teleports you to Sloth’s leisurely universe. It’s not just a soap – it’s a story.

Enchanted Earth Fragrance

Breathe in the aromatic essence of enchanted earth. Every wash uplifts your senses, evoking serene forest vibes.

Rich Lather Experience

Crafted with pure vegetable oils using time-honoured triple-milled methods, this soap produces a luxurious lather. Delight in the rich consistency every time you wash.

Shea Butter Magic

Enriched with shea butter, this 190g soap bar doesn’t just cleanse – it moisturises. Feel the soft embrace on your skin with every use.

Ethical Choice, Proudly Made

Proudly made in England, our soap stands for more than just cleanliness:

  • Vegan-friendly: All love, no harm.
  • Cruelty-free: Compassion over cruelty, always.
  • Plastic-free: Mother Earth gives a nod of approval.

Eco-friendly Packaging

Our commitment to the environment is evident. Fully recyclable packaging ensures we’re kind not just to your skin, but also the planet.

In Summary

Discover a blend of relaxation, enchantment, and ethically-made goodness with the Wonderful Sloth Soap Freshness at The English Soap Factory. Let every wash be a hangout session with nature. Grab yours now, and embrace the freshness!


6 in stock

We aim to pick and pack and ship all orders within 24 hours, however in some cases (e.g. weekends or large order volumes) there may be a delay on shipping times.

If you are unhappy with your purchase, we will exchange the item or issue a credit note, providing the goods are not damaged and all packaging is still intact within 28 days of purchase.

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