Colief Infant Drops

Colief Infant Drops


Colief Infant Drops contain Lactase that breaks down lactose contained in milk (breast milk and infant formula) to assist your baby with digestion.

For the first few months of life some babies may have difficulty in fully digesting the lactose in milk causing wind, bloating and discomfort. This can be an important factor in some babies with colic. Colief Infant Drops helps to break down the lactose in a baby’s usual milk (breast milk or infant formula) before the baby is fed, making the milk more easily digestible for baby.
Trusted by mums and recommended by healthcare professionals.

  • Relief for the symptoms of colic caused by temporary lactose intolerance
  • 100% natural
  • Clinically proven
  • Fast acting – works in minutes
  • Irish Brand

How to use: Breastfeeding with Colief : Express a few tablespoons of breast milk into a sterilised container. Add 4 drops of Colief Infant Drops. Give this to your infant on a sterilised spoon before initiating breastfeeding. Breast feed as normal. Using Colief with formula: Prepare your infant’s formula as per manufacturer’s instructions. Add 4 drops of Colief Infant Drops to the warm (not hot) formula. Wait 30 minutes, shaking the formula occasionally, then feed your infant as normal, making sure that the formula is at the correct temperature. Discard any unused formula.


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